What is the best wedding planning book? Oh that’s a simple question to answer. It’s this one – A Practical Wedding by Meg Keene.
The thing about wedding planning books is that most of them are incomplete. I mean – they’re complete if you’re having an unoriginal, cookie-cutter wedding. The ‘traditional’ kind that the whole wedding industry tries to sell to everyone, no matter who they are or where they’re from. Basically, little creativity, and honestly no ethnic or cultural diversity. As if weddings were strictly a Western European creation. Of course – people all over the world have marriage ceremonies and every one of them is a little or a lot different.

So. I’m going to assume that you’re engaged or at least thinking about planning a wedding (maybe yours, maybe not yours. I can’t assume too much… well I shouldn’t assume too much.)
Meg Keene is the woman behind the APracticalWedding.com website – which started out as a journal of her own wedding planning journey, then transformed into a space for wedding planning in general – all with a practical and open mindedness that wasn’t normally seen in the wedding industry space. And now along with weddings – the website covers current topics relevant to women today. I know that’s vague and general but it’s also not so vague and general when you get into it.
So if you’re looking for the best wedding planning book – this is it. Of course there are others but none of them cover in detail, in a way that’s not ‘selling to you’ – while also talking some realistic sense across both ends of the spectrum. Like – not everyone has a $75,000 budget – some people only have a $10,000 budget – and some even less. That’s ALL okay too. This book will help you across that great divide. Whether you’re spending lots of money, or not lots of money.

And you don’t have to feel bad about either one. Whether you want to be super traditional or not traditional AT ALL. This is literally the best wedding planning book. How do I know? Because I’ve looked. Seriously. Not only is it the best – it’s one of the most recent and up to date books out there as well. Because wedding planning has changed a lot in the last 20 years – a lot in the last 10 years. And you need a book that is more relevant than one that’s 20 years old.
Best Wedding Planning Book
Of course I’m largely an Atlanta wedding photographer – but Atlanta is big – and we have ALL KINDS OF WEDDINGS here. I’ve been fortunate to be able to photograph a wide variety of weddings. One thing I’ve definitely noticed is whether or not a wedding is planned well. That’s with or without an actual wedding planner helping you. (It’s possible!… but it takes more work.) Even if you’ve helped plan weddings in the past – wouldn’t it be great to have a better idea of how much alcohol you should buy for the bar? How to handle not having an open bar and going with a cash bar option? What about not inviting certain family members that you don’t want to be there?
See – it’s not just the best wedding planning book as far as the schedules and tips – it’s also a wedding planning book on how to handle people. How to manage expectations or shut people down when they start telling you opinions that you don’t need or don’t care about. It gets crazy when wedding planning starts happening.

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