Wedding Workshop Series


You might be like me. You’ve been a wedding photographer for a few months, or years even – but you still don’t feel like you know what the f*ck you’re doing. Why doesn’t anyone respond to your emails? Why don’t they book you? Why are they booking someone else?! You’re a little frustrated and things would be a lot easier if someone would sit down with you, and make it… a little easier. If you just had the answers to a few questions – maybe, just maybe – being a ‘wedding photographer’ would stop being a hobby.

Processed with VSCOcam with f2 presetAtlanta Photographer School

I’m Mark – a full time wedding photographer and I book roughly 93.5% of my inquiries. I photographed 53 weddings last year but usually only shoot about 35 weddings annually.

I can help you learn more about wedding photography than you probably ever wanted to know (at least from my warped perspective.)

Portfolio. Instagram. Facebook.

Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset Processed with VSCOcam with a5 preset Processed with VSCOcam with a5 preset

With a lot of help I also operated one of the largest photography internships in the country (but got too busy and stopped a few years ago.)

Now I’m offering a Wedding Photography Business Workshop Series.

I know – it’s not exactly a catchy name. WPBWS doesn’t really roll off the tongue either. Aw F*ck it.

Here’s the pitch.

I believe I’m the best photographer for my clients on their wedding day – and they believe it as well.

I am not the best wedding photographer of all time, ever – but I am the best wedding photographer for my clients, on that day. Period.

I couldn’t continue to do this if I didn’t believe that.

Also – these workshops are completely free to you.

Here are the workshops:

  • What Your F*cken Wedding Photography Website Should Say, Be, and Do
    • This is about your MARKETING. (How and why I get away with using f*ck all over my wedding website)
    • Your Website’s ONLY job is to get people to contact you. That’s all.
    • It doesn’t do any selling – that’s YOUR JOB.
    • I’ll go over every part – your bio, your pricing page, your blog posts, your portfolio
  • How to Book Wedding Clients.
    • How to respond to initial inquiries so people actually respond
    • How to lower your closing window down to 2 weeks or less.
    • How to talk to people like people and not like they’re $$$
    • Why no one emails you back
    • How to get them to email you back
    • How and Why I went from closing 25% of the time to 93.5% of the time.
  • How to Run The Wedding Day Like. A. Boss.
    • How to look like you know WTF you’re doing.
    • Simple but dangerous mistakes to avoid
    • What you should expect
    • How to handle EVERYTHING
    • All the things you don’t know.
    • How to get F*cken amazing shots NO MATTER WHAT.
    • How to get F*cken amazing shots NO MATTER WHAT. (repeated on purpose)

If you’re interested in any (or all!) of these workshops – please fill out the form below. I’d absolutely love to work with you.

And hey. Thank you very much. It’s a big compliment that you would even consider learning with me.

The dates are subject to my schedule (hey I’m still working) and will take place between now and the end of December.

Oh. And remember – any and all of these workshops are completely free – but limited to 5 people only for each workshop.


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Atlanta. Wedding. Photography. Internship. Workshop. Business. Marketing. School.