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How do you end your wedding? Do you just… turn on the house lights and tell everyone to go home? Trust us – if you don’t make a plan for the end of your wedding – that might actually happen. Because once the DJ is finished – it’s usually over. So why not end everything in style and put a perfect end cap to your amazing wedding day!
But how should you make that exit? Here’s how some of our past couples have made the walk.
1. Bubbles! (can be tricky – make sure someone cues everyone to start blowing bubbles at the perfect moment just before you start walking)
2. High Fives & Harmonicas!
3. Glow Sticks! (There was a fire advisory in the area so the couple couldn’t have sparklers for their exit – so they had glow sticks!)
4. Party Poppers (… can be tricky… everyone held onto theirs so it all tangled and became a net that caught the couple and wouldn’t let them get away!)
5. Streamers (attached to sticks!)
6. A Parade (flanked by the groom’s mother and sister, this couple led all of their guests in a parade to their awaiting limo)
7. Driving a decorated golf cart while being pelted by lavender (I think it was lavender… or rice… I can’t remember…)
8. Sparklers! (By far the most popular choice for exits at night! Honestly though – you want to get the foot long sparklers and not the shorter ones you can buy at the grocery store. Even if you have to have them brought in from a nearby state it’s totally worth it! They’re always selling them at the state line anyway (fireworks of that level aren’t legal for sale here in Georgia.)
All photos by LeahAndMark & Co.
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Atlanta Wedding Photographer | LeahAndMark & Co. | Wedding Exit Ideas | Sparklers | Bubbles | Glow Sticks | Streamers |Videography | Videographer | Video