Hi. It’s been a while since we’ve mentioned it – but we make loans to third-world business owners through Kiva.org. It’s micro-lending.
For those who have no idea what micro lending is, the main concept is that in developing (third world) nations, the people who need loans the most, are unable to get them because they do not have the credit/collateral and banks just don’t give loans for less than $1,000. Sometimes as little as $100 will make all the difference in the lives of an entire family – from generation to generation – simply because they got that small initial financial assistance that enabled them to break themselves out of extreme poverty.
To date we’ve made a total of 343 loans, funded by our photography, and we hope to continue doing what we do. Thank you very much.
that’s awesome! I make loans through kiva too, but not nearly as much as you guys! thanks for giving back