We decided that we were going to get a new couch/sofa when we moved to the new apartment. Our current one is a pull-out sofa bed and it was just torn up (by our cats) and old. Since it was an old pullout, that meant that the metal frame was actually iron – which meant that the whole sofa was REALLY heavy as far as sofas go these days. So moving it out of the house and to the curb was going to take some work. Coupled with the fact that Leah’s wearing a wrist brace right now – this wasn’t going to be easy. However, given my general stubborness when it comes to moving heavy objects (I can do it!) – I secretly vetoed Leah’s plan of helping me, and decided that I should do this when she wasn’t at home and was instead taking care of her mom/visiting her grand mother.
I can’t have some rational woman yelling at me to stop moving heavy objects – since I’m obviously not going to listen – it didn’t work when I/we moved the washer and drier up/down/up the stairs, and it was not going to work in this situation either.
After removing all of the other junk we had sitting in the front room (chairs, bikes, boxes) I put One-Two and Three-Four in the bedroom and literally pushed the couch thru the living room, out the front door, and then slid it down the front steps. That was the easy part. The couch doesn’t really slide too well on sidewalk/concrete. So it took some scraping/pushing/pulling to get it to the point you see up above.
But I couldn’t just drag it up the driveway – I don’t think it would’ve made it all the way and the scraping was making a really horrible sound. So I just sort of horizontally flipped it end by end, in a circle. The side closest to you in the left picture is the side furthest from you in the right picture. Doing it this way, I only had to lift one end and then walk it to the ‘other side’.
See? It kind of crawled up the driveway like that. But when I got it onto the grass, things got slightly rougher because the ‘feet’ were digging into the dirt – I don’t know why I didn’t just keep going up the paved driveway.
Now if you’re wondering who took the pictures – I did of course. I stopped after each turn, grabbed the camera and snapped a shot. But eventually I did get it to the curb.
And you may ask, “Why didn’t you ask for help?” – well, this is the price I pay for not having any friends close by – (not true, I could’ve probably asked Chris of Chris & Anna) – but also the price I’ve always paid for just being too stubborn to ask for help – especially when I can clearly just lift the heavy object and get the job done. *Hulk is Strong!*
Oh yeah. Doing this on a cool day is one thing – but yesterday was kind of warm and humid – so I was really sweating after the 23 minutes it took to do this. Also, in case you were wondering if I could’ve asked any passers-by for help – the only people who passed by were women running/walking with kids in their strollers.
When Leah did get home there was still more than enough daylight to take more photos.
oh man that’s funny. I love the photo essay..especially the lounging shots towards the end of both of you. At least stopping to take photos gave you a chance to catch your breath and rest. Damn. I know how heavy those things are. Did you put a sign like “FREE take me” on it? In my neighborhood that works like a charm. It’s amazing how one man’s junk is another man’s treasure.
YogaGirl – Thanks!
Also, I guess if the expected garbage pickup doesn’t come to get it soon (it was supposed to pick it up this morning), we’ll have to make an obvious sign announcing that – however we did see another couch on the curb a few miles down the road – so hopefully it’ll happen.
But even still… someone already took the two side seat cushions.. and then the middle back cushion – so it’s incomplete now. Those bastards!
And of course just like Leah is still “NonProfit” in your head – seeing your name “Nichole” is weird as all heck – since ya know, You ARE YogaGirl.
Absolutely hilarious!!! Good luck on the rest of the move.
This photo is filler. It shouldn’t be so early in the photos, if at all.
Excellent post! I love the duct tape too – classic.
I used to have a sleeper sofa, so I know the weight issue. We had to move mine down a flight of stairs – er, or “they” had to (this is what boyfriends are for – or in your case, fiances).
Seriously. Why are you showing us this? Twice? Who would want these photos? The event organizer? You? Who?
Great photos, especially the final shots.
it looks like the couch is trying to run away LOL
You guys look like adorable homeless kids hahah