Planning Your Wedding in Atlanta


Plan your wedding in Atlanta. It’s been bonkers crazy for weddings this past year (2020). The pandemic threw everything (EVERYTHING) into chaos and no wedding was spared. At first they were pushed back a month, then months, and then a year! (or more.) But now that we have a few coronavirus vaccines within our reach – it looks like life is back on. At least it looks like it will soon be back on. 

Now. Time to go about planning your wedding. But how? 

Fortunately – many things are exactly the same – depending on when you’re having your wedding – as far as sooner rather than later, or… later later. Of course it also depends on whether or not you actually care about the pandemic precautions that you should care about. It’s tricky right? Because everyone has their own levels of comfort. Still. 

Plan Your Wedding in Atlanta

Plan Your Wedding in Atlanta

Do the things that you think are right – invite the peoples that you want to invite and then just go for it. There’s obviously a lot of latitude in that last sentence. Be smart, be flexible, and don’t be offended by people opting out – for whatever reasons. That’s all. Give everyone a pass. You do your thing and they’ll do theirs and… we’ll all get on with it.

Plan your wedding in Atlanta. How do you plan your wedding these days? The same way you always would – just with fewer people and more masks and less sweaty touching/dancing/breathing on each other. So. As much OUTSIDE TIME AS POSSIBLE. And/or many fewer people than you would during normal times. But most importantly – you plan your wedding with as much kindness and flexibility as you can muster. That’s all. I mean – that should ALWAYS be the case, but especially now. 

Plan Your Wedding in Atlanta

We work with clients of all budgets while our starting prices for full wedding coverage is in the area of $2,000. That’s actual full wedding coverage, not like 4 hours on a Tuesday morning. No tricks, no games, let’s just work together like good people.

This is super easy. You can fill out this form – or text me at 518-945-0724
I’ll respond to you as soon as I can. Maybe even within 5 minutes (I mean, if it’s like 2am my time, I probably won’t respond in 5 minutes, but you never know….)

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    Your Wedding Date

    We would love to hear your story. Thank you for telling us what's most important to you about your wedding.

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