I know what you did. I see it all the time. The same, big, major mistake. Over and over, repeated by photographers everywhere – even photographers like you that have been at this for a while. You got yourself a great website from one of those companies that sells websites built specifically for photographers. It must be a good website right? Good for what? Good at what?
It sounds like common sense that the best website attracts the most and best clients. If your website has great photos and you sound friendly/likable/professional then clients will hire you. Your website is your ‘storefront’ and it’s what sells your ‘photography’. People see your website, decide they like your photos, and they’re sold. That’s the job of your website right?
Wrong. Completely, completely, COMPLETELY wrong. Incorrect.
Your photography website’s job isn’t to sell. Your goal isn’t for people to visit your website and be sold to. That’s like trying to sell a house over the internet and expecting people to buy it immediately. Chances are that it’s just NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. So if your website isn’t supposed to make the sale, then what is your website supposed to be doing? It’s simple. Very simple. Too simple.
Your website’s one and only job is to get people to contact you.
That’s it. That’s all.
All of your photos, all of your blogging, all of your writing – everything you do on your photography website should work towards getting people to contact you – that’s it. Get them to fill out that contact form, or send you an email, or even call you.
You’re not trying to get them to buy your product with your website. You just want them to start talking with you. Think about that for a moment. Think about what you’re actually asking people to do while they’re at your website.
Email me vs Buy from me
Contact me vs Let me sell this to you
Email me vs Hire me
This isn’t for all types of products. It’s for your photography services. It’s for you as a photographer. The truth is that your sales process is probably f*cked up. You’re trying to make the sale on the first meeting – the first time a potential client sees your website. You don’t even know these people – and more importantly they don’t know you. And if you come at them with BUYBUYBUY they will never contact you. Worse – you will never get the chance to start communicating with them. You’re trying to sell to them before they’ve given you any permission.
But don’t be timid about it either. Now that you know what your website is supposed do – don’t hold back. Do everything you can to convince them to contact you. Not because they want to buy your services, but because they have more questions. They need more information – in essence – because they need YOU. If you’re not making them curious enough to ask you for more information then you’re website isn’t doing it’s job. Plain and simple.
But don’t worry – there are several easy things you can do that’ll get clients contacting you after their first visit to your website… and of course we’ll cover that on another day.
Questions about this? Need help with anything else? Google it.
No just kidding – Post your question in the comments section and I’ll answer. Promise.
Oh – and we’d love it if you shared this post with your friends. Thank you.
You got me to contact you. I see what you did there. Thanks for the direction Mark.
Ha. Thanks for letting me know at least one person out there reads this stuff!
Ha. Thanks for letting me know at least ONE person out there reads my posts!
Good point! P.S. Have you seen this for when people ask you questions? http://lmgtfy.com/ It's totally snarky, but fun.
what is this "call" thing you speak of?
HA Esther. Yeah! I was trying to remember the link to that… but I was too lazy to google it… hahahahaha.
Dude. I KNOW. ha. Obviously I don't have a phone number listed anywhere on this website!
LMAO @ "Google it."