We like to say that we have the best photography internship in the country. It’s true – but only because our Internship is more than just me or Leah. It’s more than a series of classes or a couple of workshops. We don’t know exactly what it is – because it changes with each new Season of Interns – and so do we. The intern application for Season Seven will be posted this coming Monday. – Mark
– Posted by Alumni Intern Meagan | Season SiX | Meagan O. Photography
Happy New Year!! CAUTION: This will be the longest post. Ever.
So, I realize that I am two months behind in posting this, but better late than never! It’s time for review. I’m going to break down my actual experience as an intern first, and then go over what I learned. Side note: If you are an intern considering this internship, this blog is mostly for you. Let’s jump right in.
Yes. To everything.
Also an example: 6 shoots in two days… never the same photographer after that weekend because I failed and found my limit.