– Posted by Mark
We just finished up Season Six of our Photography Internship. That’s a total of roughly 50 Interns over the course of 18 months. Not every one finishes the internship. Sometimes the Intern discovers that they’ve signed up for too much, or they realize that they’re just not into the whole thing (me), or life simply gets in the way. We do our best to try to screen the applicants – with our two step application process – but we never really know who’s going to finish, who’s going to flake, and who’s going to really work the internship.
Because it’s a little bit of a game. While we make a small effort to keep things equally spread out – the fact is that those who put more effort up front, get more back. Basically – we want to work with those interns who take the full-on leap. The ones who don’t hold back. The ones that are in this for the three months unconditionally – and those that understand that what they learn during that time is largely up to them. Some times they get it and sometimes they don’t – and that’s okay.
Of course – the growth of our photography business has been greatly accelerated with the aid of our Photography Internship. Admittedly – the progress in my own photography over the past two years has greatly benefited by working with so many photographers. I’ve been forced to grow, to figure out how I ‘work’ – and identify my own habits – so that I could make a decent attempt to explain my methods. Nevermind all of the different types of shoots that we’ve only attempted because we had a ‘team’ working on the project.
It’s difficult to haul as much gear and find as many fresh models as we do, when you’re all alone.
The past year and a half would have been dramatically different if it weren’t for the Intern Army and all of their help. I know that not everyone has the same ‘intern experience’ – and that’s okay – because the whole thing is designed that way. It’s not a standard curriculum, and it’s a brand new program every three months. Sometimes we’ll spend 3 months in the studio, other times we’ll be outside the entire time – and good or bad, it’s largely dependent upon my mood – and a little dependent upon what gigs are lined up.
Still. I’ve said it a few times on here – but I like big families – so we created our own photography family. We fight, I make people mad, and they don’t think I’m as funny as I think am. That’s all okay. Because selfishly – I’m better for having known and worked with all of them – even the ones that quit early. Whether or not they feel the same way is always in question.
But the one thing I am sure about is that I am a better photographer because of the Interns.
Season One:
Season Two:
Season Three:
Season Four:
Season Five:
Season SiX:
Paralee Whitmire. Brook Hewitt. Jenna Mobley. Claire Colbert. Vania Ho. Ame Davis. Mary Rebecca. Jason Hensel. Nadine Lindberg. Brittany Wade. Maigh Houlihan. Debra Edgar. Chris Liphart. Ashley Bennett. Robby Bennett. Christy Bennett. Kristen Landell. Christian Klos. Ally Mauro. Blake Burton. Deborah Hakes. Denise Breheim. Nick Rowland. Raven Shutley. Brittany Wages. Brett Falcon. Stephanie Titan. Tristan Brenske. Niki Malek. Laura Polmear. Amanda Summerlin. Sonya Yim Henry. Carrie Tupper. Megan Case. Whitney Hyunh. Gabriel Doty. S Andre Keichian. Jessica Arnold. Silvana Alvarez. Marj Merges. Jen Nash. Kelley Hagen. Tricia Duncan. Mishaun Arrington. Jina Wilson. Liz Frates. Markysha Clarke. Abby Wilhelm. Kristen Bell. Jo Arellanes. Jennifer Giles. Aly Danis. Meagan Thomas O’Neal. Sooji Kim. Brittney Cash. Christopher Wong. Samantha Simmons. Kelly Goodwin.
Atlanta. Photographer. LeahAndMark.com Photography. Internship. Weddings. Family Portraits.
Mark! I love this but you should know my last name is not Davis…. shame. It’s okay, you’re still awesome
ha. At least I didn’t forget to include you like I did with Sooji at first… that’s what I get for doing the post at 3am.
One of the best and smartest moves I ever made! Thank you Mark and Leah!