-Posted by Mark
This is Ashley & Seth. Me, Jenna & Intern Kristen drove out to Columbia, S.C. for their wedding last Saturday and we couldn’t have had more fun. Seriously. NO. SERIOUSLY.
After having photographed this wedding last weekend, and then Peyton & Gabriel’s wedding in Wilmington, N.C. two weeks before – I’m kind of really liking the Carolinas. Hopefully I’ll get more weddings in both states because man, it’s just a great time – AND it’s technically all within crazy driving distance so I’m able to bring along an Intern as a 3rd shooter (crazy driving distance means that as long as we’re willing to leave Atlanta at 4am, we can make it to anywhere in either state and still photograph a wedding for 10 hours.)
SO. Like many of our out of state clients – I didn’t get a chance to meet Ashley or Seth until I showed up, ready to start photographing. Sure me and Ashley had long talks over email and gchat (actually no, they weren’t that long – but we covered the basics, and Ashley got my jokes (it’s how we test out clients to see if they’re a good fit – because hey, if they don’t get my stupid jokes then it’s just going to be a really long day…) – and it was all just kind of too easy and awesome.
When I saw Seth dressed in his Navy Blues (they just call it that nevermind the actual color!) – and found out that he had been stationed in Coronado, California – I mentioned that I had lived there in the military housing when I was younger – and then jokingly asked if he was a Navy Seal (you would never guess it, but Coronado is a Navy Seal training ground.) AND OF COURSE he said YES, and then showed me the pin on his chest that designates him as a Navy Seal. Whoa.
And then I proceeded to just boss him around the rest of the day. ha. Um. kind of.
But seriously. Look at him – behind that smile he was probably thinking ‘I could totally kill this obnoxious photographer with my bare hands. I could do it left handed even.’
Okay. I should probably get back to writing ‘normal’ wedding posts stuff.
BAM! This entire day was awesome! Ashley & Seth are ridiculously beautiful together and just wait until you get to the reception dance floor photos.
Hey. It’s US. Intern Kristen, Me, & Alumni Intern Jenna.
SO. We have this thing where too many reception dance floor photos are just… removed from the action. They’re ‘pictures of people dancing’ – and although that’s nice – it’s not the same as trying to capture that feeling. So in order to change things up – we put our cameras on ropes and swing them around over everyone’s heads. It’s a crazy twirling 5 lb weight that sometimes causes concussions but hey – you gotta do what it takes to get those shots right?
ALSO – we request ANY SONG that instructs people to ‘Put your Hands up In the Air’. Seriously. If you’re a wedding photographer, and things aren’t happening – you gotta do this. In fact, we have a whole list of songs that just tell people what to do. Count, jump, lift your hands, shake it here, shake it there – hey. We’re professionals. And the dance floor MUST be crazy. Or. Else.
Now that’s a BIG HAND.
See. You gotta have songs that tell people to jump up in the air.
AHHHH, another hand in my face! NICE.
Ashley’s karate chopping me here.
Alright – I know – this was all a good bit silly but hey – this was a REALLY FUN reception and the dance floor was just awesome and crazy.
Ashley & Seth – you’re both amazing and I can’t thank you enough for having us at your wedding.
-Posted by Mark
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Columbia. South. Carolina. Wedding. 300. Senate. Photos. Photographer. LeahAndMark.com
AHHHH!! I love them! Can’t wait for the five weeks to pass to see the rest!
Whoa, those cakes… I can’t… understand… just how amazing they are??
I love the reception photos too… What a crazy idea to put cameras on ropes to shoot the action. I feel like I’m there! And everybody looks so amazing!!
Elissa! I was kidding about putting the cameras on ropes and swinging them around
ha. I’m crazy, but not that crazy