On a completely different note – and because I have to make sure that I don’t always use photos/videos that match my written posts – here’s the trailer for this movie. It’s Korean and it’s awesome – a little slow though, so don’t go into it thinking it’s completely action packed – because it’s that slow cooking type of vengeance.
So. We’re continually making new plans – but along with the crazy ideas that come from my head – we have opportunities that come at us – and since most of them are actually good opportunities – we have a hard time resisting. We have a hard time choosing not to go along for the ride – because as irrational as it seems to us (or our families!) – taking chances is something neither of us have ever really been afraid to do. So – ignoring the urge to hide in a hole as opposed to throwing ourselves out there and taking that chance (whatever it is) – we go.
I guess it helps if you’ve got a decent track record of things working out for you.
I guess Leah has a better track record than I do at making those things a success (I’m one of those failing as many times as it takes type of people – and believe me, I’ve tried MANY things and have failed MANY times – although I suppose I have actually learned from each one – I just wish that I didn’t have so much to learn.)
But it’s the middle of the week – my immediate boss is out until Monday, and I’ve got my home computer back up and running – I had totally screwed some Vista files up and then things just weren’t going so well. And then the easy-disk-factory-restore wasn’t working according to plan. So while there are smarter ways to do this – I had to install/reinstall XP and then Vista… a couple of times. I know. I totally, totally rock.
I’ve noticed that… while we refrain from typing out every little problem in our lives (or even the big ones) here on this blog – we have them, and things really get messed up around here when we pay too much attention to those problems – as opposed to seeing them as obstacles to whatever else we’re trying to achieve. And I know it’s probably one of those annoying motivational speaker type of perspectives – but really, it’s easy to see a big life-altering problem as… the focus of your life – and we all do much better when we are able to step back, and not stare at the roadblock, but the path around it – always keeping the end in sight – or at least the next checkpoint.
Which probably explains why this new opportunity has appeared as if to remind us that we’re all kinds of awesome and we have a purpose – and that our problems are not that purpose.
Oh – and in case you’ve ever pondered why I post these videos all HUGE – it’s because I’m just tired of going to websites and seeing the little video boxes and having to watch those – when clearly, by my example, we can all post BIG size videos – same goes with photos. This wordpress template was chosen because there was a substantial amount of post ‘body’ space – and I was also tired of seeing small photos posted on people’s blogs – especially PHOTO blogs – and I know gallery plugins are available so that people can go through them and see the photos in the bigger sizes – but why not just POST it all huge. Especially if it’s your photo and you want to show it to people?
And THAT is why nearly all of the photos and videos around here take up the whole screen.
Have an awesome today.
Gee, you’ve just reminded me that I have to create a backup disk for my new computer – apparently they don’t come with them anymore! Now that I’ve said it, the system will probably crash and I won’t be able to reinstall.