As the title of this entry suggests, I’ve been let go from my job. Laid off. (Although I have never liked that term.) It happened yesterday afternoon around 1:30pm, relatively non-eventful and without any dramatic scenes. Basically, since I had changed departments a few weeks earlier and hadn’t ever unpacked my boxes – I grabbed the two of them, walked to my car and drove off – after deleting all of the junk I could from my work computer – mostly loose files that don’t mean anything to anyone except myself – just in time too because the IT guys arrived right after I had logged off…
Of course this isn’t my first time losing my job due to the industry/slowdown/company troubles. However, this one is slightly more inconvenient. Plus I’m not getting anywhere near the same amount of severance. I will say that telecommuting, and being a bit stubborn has helped in that I was paid ALL of my vacation time – even though arguably I wasn’t in the office for almost 6 weeks this year – but nothing’s on paper, and in the end I always completed my job duties. Although not much, the vacation pay helps greatly.
So while there is that initial stress of ‘not having a job’ – I can’t freak out yet. Not yet. I’m waiting on 2.5 jobs to get back to me with an answer so I’ve at the very least got to get through the weekend without freaking out. And still – it’s like red alert around here. Cost cutting measures and reduction. With real efforts towards curbing spending and such, we’ll be fine for at least two months – and that’s if I do NOTHING during that whole time (which obviously will not be the case.)
But I’m awake again today at 4:30am because I feel like I have to keep to my normal schedule… If I do not keep myself busy I will fall into that slump, that depression or overwhelming high anxiety that I suppose some people get after something like this happens.
And yet, we still went to our regular Wednesday night StandUp for Kids outreach – where we work/counsel/provide food and hygiene packs to at risk, about to be homeless and homeless RIGHT NOW kids. And although it’s very easy to become disillusioned with them, with their no action and lack of progress – lately I’ve been working with two youths whom I actually connect with. They live in an abandoned school which I’m sure is quite condemned. It’s been raining a lot here lately and I know the place leaks and floods badly. They didn’t even have flashlights until I gave them a few last night.
And while they may have made some unwise choices such as leaving their parents (which in cases like these is always a difficult call since MANY parents truly are that awful) – they are not like so many of the other kids. At least to me. They communicate. They don’t have that ungrateful attitude of entitlement that many other streetkids present (and I’m not saying that I don’t understand the facades that many have to take on). I simply feel like these two genuinely appreciate the help I give them, and are not taking advantage of the system that to a degree does enable their lifestyle.
Sure they have to turn some corners such as getting their birth certificates so that they can get an ID so that they can get jobs – but that’s in the works… and we’ll see how that actually goes. However until they let me down – but more importantly themselves down – I am left with thinking about them going back to that abandoned school that’s been flooded by the rain, and sleeping there at night.
That was yesterday.
Oh no! I’m so sorry! I’ll keep an ear out for openings.
Awww, that sucks! I hope one of these interviews pans out for you! Maybe this is the universe’s way of kicking you in to high gear since you were not so thrilled at that job anyway?
Also, I love that it’s obvious that Becky and I are checking our RSS feeds at the same time.
Boo! That is crappy.
I am so sorry to hear this..
For whatever reason, and one you probably don’t even know about right now..this job just wasn’t meant to be. I know I know..such a fatalist weirdo.
I worked under contract for UPS a few years ago, and UPS canceled the contract – many employees lost their jobs, myself amongst them. File for Unemployment ASAP. It comes in really handy, and that money is there just for this purpose – there is no shame nor humiliation in it. Seriously, I hope you do file.
And it sucks, I’m sorry it happened to you – good luck, you’ll find something else soon, I know it. You could always be a journalist – apply to the AJC and Creative Loafing.
Do a guest blog spot on the Creative Loafing food blog – contact Besha Rodell – if she likes you, and why wouldn’t she, maybe you can freelance.
Sorry to read about the layoff, but hopefully something will come of the positions you’re waiting to hear back from. Before I moved to the DC/MD area, I was in the NJNYC jobless for about 6 months after 9/11, it was was a big blow to me..but thanks to friends and connections I was able to find something that suited me. Sometimes networking and who you know is better than scouring careerbuilder and the like.
dude that sucks, bastards!