Last Thursday we discovered that our neighborhood has it’s own newsletter/neighborhood organization. There is a good core group and they actually hangout and have ‘porch parties’ (I think that’s cool since we never had anything like that in AZ – but no one ever hung out on their porches – not that anyone had a porch worth mentioning (except maybe if they had a pool in the backyard – but nothing like the porches they have out here in this part of the country.)
It is interesting how they actually act as a cohesive neighborhood community – where people know each other, they’ve lived here for over 20 years, and they gather in the square (or Springvale Park since it’s more hidden and private than the actual Inman Park) – all of it looking like some sort of town picnic you would see on Gilmore Girls or some other television show.
Oh and the Inman Park Neighborhood Association provided the core foods + Beer + Soda + Wine. Lots of drinks – and that’s always appreciated.
The food was really good.
Rather than baking a cake, Leah bought one that was undecorated and then… decorated it! So it was halfway homemade.
It’s also nice that our landlords’ husband is Leahs’ current boss & they’re quite active in the whole Inman Park scene. So they know most of the people and even introduced us to many more people than we can remember today. An added plus was having one of her co-workers/friends come along with her husband and son.
Now. To exaggerate the whole ‘neighborhood community’ of the whole thing – the kid games are what you ideally want at such an event: sack race, three-legged race, balloon toss, egg race… yeah.
Leah here! I wanted to type, too, but I’m letting Mark do all the photo editing/posting work. Haha. So, Inman Park…wow. A real TV-type neighborhood, but cooler…cuz they have grilled tofu at their picnics! Yum. And a neat mix of people, too… renters, homeowners, 20-somethings and 60-somethings and kids and families and artists and business people, and everyone seems to hang out together and there is a great sense of community. Which will be awesome for my Community Partnerships focus that makes up the core of my Social Work program.
… after the picnic, we made our way to the other side of the tracks to Cabbagetown (literally just on the other side of the tracks.) Our friends Anna & Chris live there and that’s where we spent the evening looking to the sky and watching fireworks (while being eaten alive by bugs.)
Still. Those shots and everythings are for another post.
For the rest of the photos from the: Inman Park Neighborhood Association’s July 4th’s Picnic. Click Here.
Have an awesome Saturday.
Was I the only one that caught Mark’s secret love note to Leah in the bottom right corner of this post? Very clever and thoughtful. All I can say is “aww…”