So on the day of the move (yesterday – Tuesday) I couldn’t find my Canon A570 camera, so I ended up having to use my 1.3 megapixel A10! These shots (except for the glorious fried chicken) are at 1.3 um, quality. But still! We’ve moved to Inman Park and we are both very, very, very happy about that. Of course, we understand that it’s a bit of a fortunate opportunity to be able to move a new place that you actually want to move to – as opposed to moving to a certain house/apartment out of necessity.
You know what’s also cool? There are at least two unsecured wifi signals here – and that helps a great deal since I was slow to call Comcast and have them transfer the internet/cable – and they won’t be out until this coming Tuesday – so that would’ve been 7 days without internet if it weren’t for these wifi signals. Plus, we don’t get the free City of Decatur wifi out here either. And now it’s time for a glorious fried chicken break!
Mmmmm. It’s golden breaded fat infused chicken goodness.
Hiring movers is totally worth the money if you can spare a few hundred. We used Mark the Mover (a bit on the high side I think @$140 per hour – but they worked hard and we had a lot of stuff) and this is the second time we’ve used them. Both times have been good experiences. I think it also helped a lot that it was the perfect weather for a move. It was cool in the morning and it didn’t get too hot by the time they finished. Oh yeah, we also bought them some Krispy Kreme donuts and water bottles + generous tips for each of the 3 people.
This is a picture of One-Two at the old house – if he looks big-as-in-size that’s because he IS a big cat, and so is Three-Four. Like usual, Three-Four has been brave and running all over the new apartment checking things out while One-Two has been hiding and slinking along the ground since we got here. The differences in their personalities are so much fun.
Oh look! More Glorious Fried Chicken and this time it’s coming at ya!
Um. Did we mention that this is church property that we now live on? Yes.
So. We’ve started the unpacking process. Everything’s in boxes and we’re trying to make our way through all of the kitchen boxes so we can stop eating out so much and finally start cooking – at least dinner. Then we have to put our new Ikea bed together and the sofa!
Oh. So apparently – according to the excellent Lizerati – we were recognized while at Kroger getting groceries tonight. AND – I remember the three people too! (They were the only group of three giving us odd looks.) BUT that’s awesome. (You’d think that we were used to people looking at us oddly in general for no real reason at all anyways.)
As left by Lizerati in the comments section of the last post:
Internet fame has caught up with you guys! I found this site via the couch post on the atlanta lj community (or was it LJ-atlanta?) and added it to my google reader a week or two ago. Tonight, two of my friends and I (lorigami and glueandglitter on LJ) saw you at the Edgewood Kroger and had a whole discussion about if it was you two or not. And if it was creepy or not that we were staring at you and trying to figure out if it was leahandmark or not. (admittedly, this was after some sake at ru-sans)
So, um, welcome to the neighborhood!
And with that… goodnight.
HAHAHAHA. I was supposed to come home and comment and ask you about the broom, but darn sake, I totally forgot.
I forgot I had made that comment when I was catching up on my reading this morning and seeing it in a post made me laugh. Fantastic! That’s too funny that you remembered us.
Darn, you guys make me SO JEALOUS with your food pictures! I recently told Mr Moi that I want to move to atlanta next, because the food and cafe scene – and the people and the weather – all look so fantastic!
Better than Ukraine, that’s for sure!
(Just to give you an idea, the only fast food chain we have is McDonalds. No Subway, no KFC, no Burger King. Now, fast food is usually the first international thing to move into a country. Then other, more sophisticated cuisines move in. We’re so not there yet).