Caroline + Paul Wedding Preview | Vlog


I recently photographed Caroline & Paul’s wedding out in San Luis Obispo, California – and of course – the wedding was awesome! Caroline and Paul are awesome! Their friends and family are awesome!

And it’s been a while since I last photographed a wedding out in California – and ummmm, I have this thing where it just seems like California wedding photographers are cheating because they have SO MUCH GREAT scenery and varied landscapes to work with.

Of course – you want what you can’t have – I guess I’ll have to be content with just the normal amounts of f*cken amazing we have here in Georgia all the Southeast. YESsssss.

So. With that flight back from the west coast – I just edited a few photos on my phone but hey – what’s the difference these days right? Here’s the quick preview set.


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Venue: Flying Caballos Ranch

Photographer: Mark of LeahAndMark & Co.


San Luis Obispo. Photographer. California. Weddings. Flying Caballos. Ranch. Vlog.