Leah and I need help. We’re fortunate that our clients not only took an initial chance on us – but that they keep coming back and referring their friends to us. It’s a great problem to have – but we’re busy. Really. Busy. So busy in fact that we’ve decided that we need help. We need a few interns.
Don’t worry – we’ll get to the requirements and qualifications in a little bit.
If you don’t know anything about us – we’re Leah and Mark. This is our Portfolio. We started this photography business a little less than a year ago, and we’ve been going all out ever since. We didn’t start out with expensive gear (and we still don’t have any) – but that’s okay. We’ve had to rely on creativity and hard work – everything else just makes things slightly easier.
This is what one of our Intern nights looks like at our studio – but we’ve also had small group shoots out in a river:
Or we’ll get special access to photograph a fashion show at an anime convention:
Our Interns work hard, and you can check out their progress over at their Intern Blogs. Most of our Interns photographed more in the last three months than they did in the past year. Since becoming an Intern – some of them have increased their number of paying gigs, shot on assignment for Creative Loafing and other publications, and have received much more exposure for their photography in general – nevermind the experience and knowledge they’ve gained.
You can read reviews of this internship from past Interns, Here & Here.
You should know what’s in it for you. Because if you’re considering working with us, then you should know exactly what you’re gaining – since it’s definitely not money!
Although it’s not really popular these days – we’re ‘generalists’. We don’t specialize in anything and that goes against the current trend of finding your ‘niche’ and specializing in one or two specific types of photography. We run the gamut and we photograph everything from weddings, to parties, to corporate headshots, to family and children portraits, to senior portraits, and even product photography. Without arguing if our photography is actually any good – we can only go on the fact that our clients REALLY like us, they keep coming back, and new ones seem to keep contacting us and asking us to work with them.
We’re very busy and as our intern you will have lots of opportunities to photograph in a wide range of different styles and subject matter.
What we need is for you to have some idea of what you’d like to focus on and learn from us. Some of what we can offer is:
- How to pose subjects, especially strangers – and become confident at it
- How to better handle light – off camera flash and natural
- How to stop taking photos like everyone else (it’s easier than you think)
- Get away from ‘technically’ perfect photos
- Photographers learn by photographing – you’ll photograph a lot with us.
- Stop feeling restricted by the gear you DON’T have
AND MARKETING subjects – because you want to be an actual paid and working photographer right?
- How to be truly different from EVERYONE ELSE who is a ‘Photographer’ these days
- How to hustle and get business
- How to keep clients and get repeat business
- How to charge appropriately and be paid for your services
- Turn ‘good exposure’ jobs into ACTUAL Good Exposure for YOU
- Attend our photography business-marketing class (for Interns only)
AND Even More
- Build the client base that you want
- Find out if you do make photographs like everyone else – so you can stop
- Make friends
- Have fun
- Try crazy ideas because no one’s going to stop you
- Push the boundaries of what your clients think they want – and keep delivering something just a little different
- Be hired as an artist – and not just a button pusher
We also setup group photoshoots where the ratio is roughly 2-3 photographers per model – and sometimes it’s 1 photographer per model. We believe in getting the best position for the best shot – and you can’t do that if there are 20 photographers shooting 3 models in a group session.
That’s what we think we offer and what we think an Intern can learn from us.
Here’s what we’re asking from our Interns:
- You own a DSLR camera
- You have at least a rudimentary understanding of shutter speed and aperture
- You have your own artistic ideas – even if you’re still working on them
- You aren’t afraid to try everything
- You don’t say ‘we can’t do that’
- You are willing to photograph everything during your time with us – even if it’s not your style
- You will read any materials we actually give you to read
- You will be available for at least two (2) five hour photo shoots a month (and possibly more permitting your schedule)
- You have a portfolio to show us – and you’re proud of your current work – no matter what
- You are nice
- You are stubborn
- You want to learn
- You can commit to working with us for 3 months (roughly)
- Possibly accompany us on photo shoots/weddings out of town (on our tab)
Everything we do is based on three principles:
- Be different
- Do things that matter
- Show everyone
We’d like to make it clear that your progress during this internship is primarily moved forward by you. We work hard to facilitate learning – but this isn’t photography 101, and even though we might cover the basics, it’s on your shoulders as an intern to do your homework and practice on your own – so that we can get to the really good stuff – the stuff that you won’t learn from a 101 course. Also – this internship requires a lot of trial & error learning – so stop aiming for perfection right away.
The internship last from February to April – three months.
If you are interested in being one of our interns – please send an email to Email@LeahAndMark.comwith answers to the following questions and a link to your portfolio:
1. What’s your name? (Tell us about yourself)
2. What artists do you like/admire/study – and why? (do not list photographers)
3. Why do you like our photos? (It’s okay if you don’t like our photos – but it makes no sense for you to work with us if you don’t like our work – we don’t want compliments, we want reasons why you want to work with us based on our photography.)
4. Are you able to commit to the full three month term? (and just so you know – we don’t have any problems with you having a full time job. It’s all about scheduling – and your own flexibility + willingness to work.)
5. What do you ultimately want to do with your photography?
(Tip: In-depth answers are better – this is an application, not a short answer survey.)
Please understand that this isn’t a judgement on whether or not you are ‘worthy’ – but in the same way you think you’d be a good fit to work with us, we’re trying to come to the same conclusion. We consider much more than your current portfolio since you’ll also be representing us to a large degree, and working with the other interns for some of the time. Personality and attitude is very important.
Deadline for applications is THIS Friday – January 21st at 12pm noon. You will be contacted by Friday evening at 8pm one way or another, through email. Please be sure to check your junk mail/spam inbox after 8pm on Friday in case you don’t receive a message from us – and if you still haven’t heard from us – please let us know.
Thank you for your time and we hope to hear from you!
Atlanta. Photography. Internship. Workshop. Intern. Program.
What do I need to do to be an Intern?
Andrea Oates
Hey Andrea – if you check the bottom of this blog entry – there are several questions that need to be answered and emailed to us. Thanks!
Ive been waiting since october for my second chance
Yay! fingers crossed
This is almost a good capture. Ruined by the mid expression faces of the girl in the middle and left – but the tv and couch distract as well
First of all, I love your creativity in your work! Second of all, I am a highschool student who just recently fell in love with photography. I was wondering if you have any programs or internships for highschool students? I would love to learn how to capture the perfect picture!
Well – the internship is for anyone really. Just because you’re in high school doesn’t mean that you can’t meet the same requirements. We’ve already had a high school student as one of our interns in the past – so… Susie, if you’re really interested, I think you should apply
Best of luck Season 4 interns, hopefully life will allow for me to apply to Season 5! See you next time!
Hi Leah and Mark,
I’m wondering when applications are due for your May-July intern session? I’ve seen your awesome work and have been completely inspired by my coworker, your intern, Jenna! Any information would be great!
I’m with you Tiffany! I have become a bit of a “stalker” and I check the site every few days to see if the latest application dates have been posted. In the meantime, I’m writing my essay and working on the questions listed above. Best of luck to all of us!