How to Hire an Amateur Photographer for Your Wedding


Alright look – I know it’s kind of weird that I would write a blog post that tells you how you can hire an amateur photographer for your wedding. Weird because ummmm – I’m a professional wedding photographer and I should want you to hire me. 

But come on – if you were even considering hiring an amateur/hobbyist/weekend every now and then wedding photographer – then you probably weren’t really actually considering me anyway. SO. Let me help you. Okay? Okay.

Now – tbh (that means ‘to be honest’) an amateur wedding photographer needs all the help they can get. And don’t worry – I’m not going to spend ALL this time bashing amateurs. Maybe just some, and just a little. But you KNEW THAT. So. They need all the help they can get. The easiest way to help them is by providing good lighting for your entire wedding day. Basically – outdoor lighting and in the shade. So – have your wedding outside but in the shade. Done. Ceremony photos AMAZING. See. That part was easy and you totally saved money going with the amateur photographer. Okay.

Atlanta Wedding Photographers LeahAndMark & Co.

Oh – so that usually rules out really dark churches and other generally dark wedding ceremony locations. Oh – AND having your wedding ceremony at night/dusk/sunset-ish times when it’s getting dark. Because if your wedding ceremony is when it’s getting dark – that means that your reception will be at night. And it’s definitely dark at night time. 

But what about indoors? You have your reception inside with the lights on. That will be totally bright and lit and even an amateur photographer will have no trouble photographing in a well lit ballroom. YES. A well brightly lit ballroom. Just like those conference rooms in hotels. With all the even flourescent lighting. That’s exactly how you want the ambiance for your wedding reception to feel. Like a hotel conference room. NO. (well – please no)

Even ‘brightly’ lit as far as wedding receptions go is still mostly – dark- when it comes to taking good photos. That’s why there’s a difference between the photos a professional photographer takes and the ones that maybe your uncle takes – even  with the same camera. TBH (remember that from above?) – there are a lot of tricks to getting good photos that your uncle doesn’t know, and that many amateurs don’t know either. I mean, I say they’re tricks but really they’re just BASIC SKILLS that any actual PROFESSIONAL knows with their eyes closed. 

And it’s not always gear. Sure gear helps but there are plenty – PLENTY of bad photographers with really amazing gear. Okay – there are probably MORE bad photographers with really amazing gear than good photographers with amazing gear. TRUTH! 

How to Hire an Amateur Wedding Photographer

But of course what does ‘amateur’ even mean anymore? Number of weddings photographed a year? Amount the person charges? How often they launch a new ‘rebrand’ of their website? IDK. But you know it when you see an amateur. I know you do. You get that feeling. You know the one… the one that says… oh man, I’m really taking a risk with my wedding photos if I go with this photographer, but they’re cheap!… yeahhhhhhhhhhhh.

Don’t do that.



How to Find an Amateur Wedding Photographer. Atlanta. LeahAndMark & Co. Planning. Tips.