I’ve literally known Kristen for something like 47 years – so it was a real honor to be there to photograph her destination wedding with Martin – IN LAS VEGAS, NEVADA! We (me and Kristen) grew up in Phoenix – so Las Vegas was never very far – but I actually haven’t ever photographed a wedding there – until now!
Kristen is actually one of my oldest friends (because you know – I don’t have many friends and that’s a whole other story) so… I honestly would’ve attended the wedding anyway – even if she hadn’t hired me to be her photographer
BUT – if you’ve ever heard me talk about it – I would always rather be photographing a friend’s wedding than simply attend it. Because come on! If I’m photographing the wedding then I get to hangout with the couple ALL DAY LONG. Not only that – but I get to pull them away from people, I get their attention, ME ME ME ME. Right? ha.
Compared to if I just attend the wedding – sure I get to eat the food and party and stuff – but I maybe get 3-8 minutes talking to the couple. And that’s cool…. BUT NOT AS COOL AS BEING THEIR WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHER!
Las Vegas, Nevada Destination Wedding Photographer
Insert Photos
It was only a few months earlier that I photographed Kristen’s sister’s wedding (Melissa + Dan) down in Phoenix, Az. – so it was also an added bonus of getting to hangout with her family twice in a short span of a few months. And any wedding photographer will tell you that it’s always great to hangout with clients that you already know. Because… you really do end up feeling like a part of the family. We stayed at the Golden Nugget Hotel and Casino – and their wedding took place at The Hartland Mansion and Wedding Chapel. Now that venue – it’s… all kinds of amazing. A total ‘Classic Vegas’ vibe circa Elvis circa Liberace feel – complete with lots and lots of candelabras…
Of course – being an Atlanta Wedding Photographer – it was a real treat to be able to fly out and photograph something a little different than what I’m used to – specifically photos on Las Vegas at night time! After their wedding we headed over a few blocks to Fremont street for the Fremont Street Experience (which is like… day time at night) – so lots of lights, lots of loud music, lots of drunk and not drunk people – you know – downtown Las Vegas. And that’s where we did another portrait session with the two of them because come on – when you have a destination wedding in Las Vegas – you NEED those night time portrait session photos right? Or else it’s just… desert photos, or casino photos or… IDK – but it seems like any wedding set wouldn’t be complete without some night time photos with all the lights and the lights and the lights. Did I mention the lights?
Kristen and Martin – You. Are. Awesome.
Wedding Photography: LeahAndMark & Co.
Videography: Indie March Film
Venue: The Hartland Mansion
Atlanta Wedding Photographer. Las Vegas, NV. Hartland Mansion. Golden Nugget Hotel & Casino. Destination Wedding.