We didn’t realize that we already had two dozen eggs so Leah bought another dozen – so we’ve been eating eggs every morning lately + avocados! We didn’t buy bread so it’s just the two items + coffee! ‘Cause obviously, more than anything else, coffee is a breakfast staple (for me at least!)
Okay look. I just haven’t had the time to cook-up my 3 small meals that I eat while at work (all part of my six small meals a day-lose-weight-build-muscle-plan) so, I’ve been cheating and splitting up panda express food. But wait! Before you all out laugh at me, let’s look at the nutritional facts… ah nevermind. Ah um. Okay. The short run-down. Compared to their Orange Chicken which is about 500 calories + like 14 grams of fat per serving.
If you choose mandarin chicken or kung pao – that’s roughly 250 cal per serving + white rice which is something like 380 cal per – SO. If you get the lunch combo with 2 entrees and white rice, then divide it into two – that’s two ‘meals’ at roughly 600 calories… um. Okay. When you do the math it’s a lot I guess – but not compared to eating the whole thing at once. 1,200 calories in one sitting? AND that’s with the lighter entree options – just think if you get the orange chicken for lunch, the math works out like this:
(500 cal per serving X 2) + (760 cal. 2 servings of rice in a to-go container) = 1,760 calories for lunch.
And now to negate all that ‘health’ talk – up above is the ‘Sunrise’ bagel sandwich – Oh, it’s so good – from my usual coffee stop before work – Bagel Boys Cafe.
This is a sea salt bagel sandwich from Belly the General Store in Virginia Highlands. Leah gets these and loves them. Oh. Below is a picture of the ‘General Store’ – look, it looks all vintage and ‘old time’ – kind of like the Cracker Barrel except this place isn’t full of ‘vintage’ garbage and knick knacks that you shouldn’t ever buy.
But still, this place is one of my favorites because of one thing. Their Nutella & Banana Panino sandwich. Forget doing the math (’cause I’d die) – I don’t see a reason for ordering anything else on their menu. I haven’t ordered anything different and I won’t – simply because I know that no matter what, I’ll wish that I had chosen to get this sandwich instead. In fact, here’s a link to our first post + video about Belly.
It’s Thursday! Just one more after today and then we’re free for the weekend… free to pack, do homework, sleep in, eat more food, workout, and just generally rock this life.
I am so jealous of your food options. The lack of decent restaurant options here is almost enough to make me want to leave permanently. Actually, I was so busy looking at the photos that I realised I didn’t read your post!
Well, in your defense (of not actually reading the post) – there isn’t really any point to this one other than to look at the food so it’s okay.
But yeah… I too would be very jealous of myself if um, I didn’t live in a place that had such diverse/good food options… but.. that’s obviously some sort of paradoxical statement since I couldn’t be jealous of myself if I lived someplace else but lived ummmm… nevermind.
ya kill me..ya absolutely KILL me with those scrumptious food photos. Plus, eggs and avocads for breakfast? fantastic! no carbs needed. that kind power food will keep you going and going.
ps-and like Miss Moi? We have NO good restaurants in my small town either. It’s all crappy fast food. KFC, A&W, Dairy Queen, Burgerville. At least there is one Korean place that does have good teriyaki chicken and rice but it’s always so smokey in there I avoid it and I can make stuff like that at home. That is the LONE factor that makes me miss Houston. The south does restaurants RIGHT…as you can agree.
That banana and nutella sandwich looks so delicious. I’m going to have to try something like that sometime.