HEY. It’s a wedding IN Atlanta! No way! YES!
As much as we love all of our out of town weddings (MasschusettsIndianaTennesseeAlabamaCalifornia) we think Atlanta weddings are pretty swell. Not only that – but if the weddings are in Atlanta then that means we can bring along an Intern to help carry all of our heavy stuff… er, I mean, also photograph!
Rosalynn & Chris found us through one of our mentions on Scoutmob! and booked us right away last year. Not only did they have a fantastic 40 minute ceremony in a big Catholic church – their reception was at Kai Lin Art Gallery.
I brought along +Laura & Intern Liz to work the day with me and they did a bang-up job of photographing, carrying gear and getting me drinks. Okay. I got my own drinks (Leah won’t let me make it mandatory that Interns just bring me drinks!) +Laura’s been shooting like a crazy, crazy mad woman, working on a steady stream of photography gigs, but Intern Liz was able to find a second to post some of her photos from this wedding. Check them out HERE – and also what she thought about photographing a wedding on her 2nd day of the internship.
You know what season it is? It’s Wedding Season. You know what that means? It means we’re posting FOUR weddings this week. Two from North Carolina and one more back here in Atlanta! Some come back. Tomorrow. And then the day after, and then after that.
Rosalynn & Chris – You. Are. Awesome. Forever.
Thank you!
Atlanta. Wedding. Photographer. Kai. Lin. Art. Peachtree. Photos. LeahAndMark.com
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I am loving the color palette for this wedding! Just found my bathroom colors!
Is it weird how much I am a fan of you?
Absolutely lovely!!! Photos and couple