You may have forgotten – but we’re also wedding photographers.
This past Saturday, while +Raven was photographing a wedding in Macon, Ga. and +Laura was photographing a product launch party – we spent the day with Betsy & Nick. Our last wedding was in Alabama back in early January – and honestly after the crazy traveling kick we’ve been on since November – it was kind of nice to have a wedding here in Atlanta for a change.
The wedding we photographed in Alabama took place on the Saturday right before the Snowpocalypse happened and ever since then we’ve been photographing in the studio and indoors. With a break in the recent days of rain – this was a nice transition back into shooting with primarily natural light – at least until the reception.
Now if you’ve read any of the recent Intern blogs – especially the ones about the studio sessions – you’ll know that I’ve been telling the Interns to get in closer and remember to focus on the details. While I’m not necessarily telling them to just take macro shots of an arm or eye or shoe – what I’m trying to have them do is practice showing me as much as possible – without having everything in the photo.
Yes – a wide angle shot of the entire space will capture and document the scene – and I’m guilty of shooting wide all the time – but shooting wide also means that you’re generally removed from the action. It’s one of the main reasons 95% of my photos are made with a 35mm prime lens – because it forces me to get closer.
Learning photography is also more than technical fundamentals of composition and gear – it’s about learning how you photograph. How you manage the schedule, what you tell clients to expect – how you direct clients, how you ask them to do this or that, how you tell them by asking them – or how you simply let go of shots you wanted in favor of building trust that can be used later on.
Because hey – this is a wedding day and even though we’re working hard to make you know, beautiful memories and all that – we can’t do it while ruining the experience for everyone. So we just… photograph and talk and talk some more… while simultaneously moving like invisible ninjas.
This entire day was full of beautiful.
Thank you Betsy & Nick.
Atlanta. Wedding. Photographers. Photos. King. Plow.
Totally Awesome
Atlanta is thrilled to have you back shooting weddings!
These are spectacular shots Mark. Killer, creative, detail shots (favorite is the shoe and the sky) love the dance floor shots and the sylistic shots of the couple. It’s funny, everytime I think I have you pegged, you sort of blow my mind all over again! Keep doing it.
The shoe and the sky was all Debra! I just copied her. teehee.
Full of Awesome!
love it! i haven’t forgotten that you photograph weddings.. keep em coming! i love her dress, her shoes, and the wonderful venue. you had some good stuff to work with